Site HistoryThe Project Site has a varied and multi-faceted land use history. In the 1930's the site included portions of an inter-urban trolley rail line. The majority of the site was used predominantly as agricultural land up to the 1950's. In the 1960's, portions of the property were used as a borrow site for construction of IR90/SR2. The site was briefly used as a recreation park up until the early 1970's with a 30 acre and 38 acre lake that were both approximately 25 feet deep. In the 1970's the site began to be used as a storage facility for fly ash, which is a residual waste material produced in the combustion of coal. The property was purchased from a local utility company by the City of Avon and in 2004 began a creative site redevelopment planning process. The Design Phase for the French Creek recreation Complex began in 2008. The baseball stadium opening for play 12 months later on June 2, 2009 on schedule and under budget, with a sold-out capacity crowd of over 5,000. A. 5,000 seat capacity independent league stadium; cost: $12 million
Bramhall's RoleBramhall was responsible for all civil/site engineering, infrastructure design, value engineering, construction administration including continuous critical path construction determination to condense the construction timeline from 16 months to 12 months, private utility company coordination including gas, electric, telephone, and cable, weekly progress meetings, change order review, pay application review, construction staking and construction inspection, OEPA compliance storm water pollution prevention inspections, as-built drawing preparation, coordination of government agency permitting and compliance with Ohio Environmental Agency Division of Solid and Infectious Waster Management, Division of Surface Water, Division of Drinking Water, US Army Corps of Engineers, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Coordination of Wetland Investigation and Delineation, Coordination of Phase 1 & 2 Environmental Site Assessments, Dedication Plat, Private Utility easement preparation, and the continued development and layout of the site for future use.